So today I learned that T-mobile's new phone,the G1, has tethering capabilities(in other words, accessing the web through your phone via USB). The only problem is that you have to have general knowledge of the Android platform and somehow enter some commands in windows...this is all stuff that I have no clue about. I did everything that was stated online, installed a nice app on my phone and set up firefox to work through a proxy....none of which did me any good. I even watched a Youtube video. I'm pretty sure if I call T-mobile, they will play dumb....and I don't think they're cool with 3rd party apps. I spend the whole day trying to do this. I somehow can't run or install the adb application. I have no clue...but, when I do figure this out, it will be worth it! Most likely I will wait a while, just to see if any new apps are released and if any dummy instructions are posted.
This is the thing with me and electronics, they consume me...and much valuable time. Today I told myself I would read, and read I did, but that was after I spent hours trying to successfully tether my phone. It absolutely bothers me to not know how to do things, especially when they seem so simple. I end up telling myself, "this will only take a few minutes...a hour tops" ...and then three roll by. I do not play video games for this reason...I cannot stand not knowing how to beat levels, or failing at something repeatedly....I get consumed at becoming a pro, or getting past a novice level in as short a time as possible. Today was a prime example. I'm not a programmer or anything, but I was determined to tweak out this phone...even though most of the blogs and forums stated that this wasn't working perfectly for everyone....and that the process was complicated. But I just had to figure it out....and even now as I write this, I'm mildly annoyed that I didn't do it.
On another note, we are officially in a recession. I love how after all this time, it has been confirmed and had been so for a year....let me rephrase that: I find it comical that after all this time, it has been confirmed and has been so for a year. I love when social scientists discover something obvious to the common person, e.g. "A recently study conducted at ABC University has uncovered that visible minorities are more likely to be discriminated against than non-visible minorities". I find it very odd, that after all this mess, it really needed to be "officially" analyzed and whether or not we are in a recession should have any bearing on whether we should take action or that bailouts are being handed out every few weeks. I think that regardless of what's official, we need to deal with problems as they arise. You don't get sick and wait 1 year to analyze all your health behaviors and what patterns of symptoms and yada, yada. You figure that, " hey I'm sick, let's take some action"...."hey, you know, my neighbor, coworkers are getting sick...this is a epidemic" . Your doctor wouldn't tell you to go home, stop complaining and by the way, here's some free Motrin (stimulus package)...then a year later after a million cases, say," Hey it official, you have a new strain of the Flu"! The government is here for whatever purpose we discern...and the majority of people want to have action taken to protect banks, investments, the flow of money and credit,etc. Although I do not agree that we should be taking our tax money to fix big businesses problems, I live in a democracy and our elected officials do the bidding of the majority (in theory, not necessarily in practice).I take a very Darwinian philosophy to this problem: Survival of the fittest. If you go down, go down honorably. When things hit rock bottom, those that survive can maintain their dominance and the failure of the weak leave open opportunities for the up and coming. A sort of restructuring as I see it. The government is here to serve the people and as such, should be making sure people have housing, food, health care, education and work. Not making sure big business can keep its dominance. Everyone has their day...and when it comes you either fight, or you go down. Don't be a punkass.Specifically for the auto makers seeking bailouts, you should all stop being punkasses and file for bankruptcy when the time comes. You kept up with the oil companies to rely on gasoline and now when people don't want your ridiculous products, you cry to Congress? Had these companies invested in alternative fuels, and had done so with as much urgency as their asses flew to congress, people would be fueling up with their green vehicles, searching for work, relocating for work, and generating profit for your companies. Had you guys collaborated to find new fuel sources, we wouldn't all be stagnant to use any resources that consume gasoline...not that auto companies are the only ones to blame.
My point is, when you you go down, as I learned after hours of trying to tether my phone, you just accept it and GO DOWN, Bitches, GO DOWN!
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